Lawyers, Guns & Money: Risk Management from the Field

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Name: Lawyers, Guns & Money: Risk Management from the Field
Date: April 30, 2024
Time: 8:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
Everything in the field is about risk management and tolerance to calculated risks. However, to manage risk most effectively, you need to know how it is perceived by all stakeholders.  Join AGC MA for a presentation bringing together field staff, insurers, and attorneys to learn about how they view risk in the industry. 

20 minutes per speaker
60 minute Q&A Panel

Bill Traill - Consigli Construction Co., General Superintendent
Christopher Demas - Marsh, Senior Vice President-Construction Services
Jonathan Schaefer - Robinson + Cole, Environmental/Energy Partner

Joe Barra - Robinson + Cole, Construction Lawyer

As Warren Zevon said, you need lawyers, guns, and money when you take a little risk.

Event Sponsors:

Presenting Sponsor

Hosting Sponsor

Wentworth Institute of Technology
Blount Auditorium - Annex Central Room 106
Map:  Campus Map & Transportation | Wentworth (

Parking: Annex Lot - access from Annunciation Road off Parker Street
Date/Time Information:
7:30 am: Registration & Breakfast
8:00 am: Guns - Field Leadership of Risk Management
8:30 am: Lawyers - Construction Law in the Field
9:00 am: Money - Protecting Against Field Risk
9:30 am: Moderated Q & A
10:30 am: End of Program
Contact Information:
Kara Cady
Members: $80.00
Non-members: $150.00
WIT Students Free
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