Richard Jensen
Erland Construction, Inc.
Vice President, Director of Operations
Rick Jensen has been with Erland since 1981, advancing from Field Supervisor through the ranks to his current position as Vice President, Director of Operations. Complementing his thorough knowledge of the construction process is his ability to keep track of the manpower requirements of Erland’s multiple projects simultaneously. He is also responsible for developing project and field-related policies and procedures, implementing new management software, and reviewing client contracts. Rick earned his B.S. in Building Construction from Wentworth Institute of Technology and received his Master’s in Business Management from Lesley University. He has been active in industry associations and activities including AGC, ASHE and ISPE.
Michael Fish
Vice Chair
Dellbrook | JKS Construction
Mark Fisher
Construction Coordinators Inc.
Chris Floyd
C.E. Floyd Company Inc.
Jim Madigan
F.W. Madigan Company, Inc.
Tony Sanchez
AvalonBay Communities, Inc.