PPE Designed for Women-One Size Does Not Fit All

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Name: PPE Designed for Women-One Size Does Not Fit All
Date: January 25, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM EST
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
A recent survey of almost 3,000 women who regularly use PPE on the job showed that over 80% experience some PPE-related challenges, the most common being improper fit, inadequate selection, or being uncomfortable to wear. Another recent study said that 35% of respondents have difficulty purchasing PPE that properly fits female employees. (ISEA)

According to OSHA: “Best Practice: In addition to compliance with the OSHA regulations, whenever employers are required to purchase PPE, they should purchase these items in size ranges suitable for women. Employers should maintain a directory of PPE manufacturers and suppliers on hand, identify a wide selection of size ranges for PPE, keep appropriate size ranges in stock, and ensure direct accessibility, as required. Remember: One size does not fit all!”

In collaboration with Milwaukee Tool, R.G. Mearn and ARX, the AGC MA BWiC Committee is proud to offer a free program reviewing all the products currently available for women and information on their proper fit.

Opening remarks presented by Shaun Carvalho, CSO, Shawmut

Welcome by BWiC Chair, Leah Hoffman, P.M., T.G. Gallagher

Presentation on Safety, JoEllen Racicot, CHST, 
Site Safety Manager at Dimeo Construction Company

Safety products presentation and raffle, Milwaukee Tool & ARX

Closing remarks by BWiC Vice Chair, Christine McCall, Project Development, Consigli Construction Co., Inc.

Refreshments immediately following thanks to our program sponsor:

Brought to you by

Shawmut Design & Construction
560 Harrison Ave
Date/Time Information:
Thursday, January 25
3:00-5:30 pm
Contact Information:
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Printed courtesy of www.agcmass.org/ – Contact the Associated General Contractors of Massachusetts (AGC MA) for more information.
888 Worcester Street, Wellesley, MA 02482-3708 – 781.235.2680 – cady@agcmass.org